Sunday 23 March 2014

Just imagine you create a superbly awesome movie ....

assalamua'laikum and hello!

Just imagine......
in your mind
i mean create a movie....

bcause if you do these for real
you'll get double triple trouble
or maybe more

so just imagine....
if you get pressed with people surrounding you


you slap him/her
non stop with full of heart slapping

you kick the very best of style you can do
then cekik2
pull the tounge
korek2 biji matanya
gonyol2 pipi,dagu & bibir
plus with korek tonyoh lubang hidung



sapa kata dah habis
haa ambil playar tonyol & canang2 gigi dia
tarik rambut sekuat hati sepenuh jiwa
**lagi panjang lagi syokk**

belum puas
tinju tunjang orang itu
segala parts di tubuh biar lantak terburai
ahh ini kan movie aku

by the way, dia ni kebal
jadi kasi tibai bantai renyai jee

p/s:imagination doesn't need any fees

be strong dear self

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