Tuesday 16 February 2016

My Dear Salman Faris (Cutie Next Door)

Maka bermulalah pengembaraan semester dua!

Straight to the point - first class was Innovation and Creative Skills

Guess siapakah gerangan yang mengajar tadi?

My ex bhahaha!

Ex-rps (rakan pembimbing siswa) named En.Maskor

All in all I just can't say as it was only the very beginning and will update and pour out all what I go through coming soon- so beware


Okay frankly, I just need sometimes to adjust well I mean everything for my good sake too pheww...
Yeah adjusting which is kinda hard to make it but have to. Imagine that I had for more than a month of semester break so am writing this in post-semester-break-mood :(

Mama..I miss you damn so much
missing to be your private driver - drive you every morning to the work
cooking whatever my fav dishes - spaghetti, macaroni, choc cake, nasi cicoh budu with ikang singgang  uhhhh scrumptious bayybehh


Muhammad Salman Al-Farisi - guy next my door that never fails to melt my heart
his cheeky voice, sulking like silly lady maigad, longing for the calling every time he out his house

"aunty...?ah kak...? ah kak..."

Oh man how can't I refuse to attend to this sweetheart? He's such a cutie pie that shine my day though

Hard to move on seriously even he's just only the kid of next door sobs :(

It's the bonding and LOVE that matter uh plisss don't grow up too fast my darling.

Ah kak cayangggg Salman! and of course aunty Queen your always best friend.


p/s: had phoned and talk to him just evening and to my concern that he has fever though missing so dearly of me haks haks. Well his teeth is coming out but I bet deep in his heart that he's missing me and da bibik right Salman? You just don't know how to put into words right baby? My mom said that and yeah it make sense.

I just love this cutie so much lillahi taala. May he be a good son to his parents and always be a sweetheart.
Exclude being a hot and player that one I would teach my way if it happened.

Horse riding with Ah Kak :)
Muahhh ciket kat reader yang sudi terjah ke sini Salman

Ah Kak Su aka bibik nak igit eeee larikkkk! Gila bapak bingit telinga bila budak ni jerit doyyyyy

Nak ball? Saiyyang dulu! And he without doubt did it  awww 
Awek wekwekwekwek *blerghhh* 

Percayalah I lafff you more than Ah Kak kalau awak bawa saya round naik basikal ni -Salman 
Last day of our play time together at late evening :(
uai aju2 ampai okok sena apa alam aju sekuntum unga ina (Salman's song get it understood by yourself kay.)
thanks for reading everybody! Muuuuuwaahh from Ah Kak Salman  <3

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