Saturday 21 June 2014

hmmm betul2! (suara upin ipin lapar peha ayam)

Assalamua'laikum and hello guys.

someone has told something that really open my mind even wider
someone who is indeed quite important towards my life
someone who wanna me to be successful in life
someone who wants me to be able to stand on my own feet one day
never hoping to anyone 
except the Almighty Allah s.w.t


**huh maciam berat je kan bunyinya **

tapi itulah hakikatnya dan realiti yang harus ditelan dicerna bukan di lingkaran usus kecil
malah di kepala hotak

alahaiiii **take a deep breathe and never exhale... eh!**
(u got me kidding XD)

yessss definitely that person has the point that i really must be very FOCUS in seeking knowledge
and must know what i want to be---- and he for sure really wants me to be a SOMEBODY

set a goal ----- shoot for a victory! make them proud and WOWWW! 
nah! let their eyes bulging for the sparks you made!

ILMU itu penting
tanpa ILMU hidup tunggang terbalik,kelam,hanyut,mati lemas
dan dengan ILMU yang dapat pelihara dan melindungi diri 
hebat hebat...

***pung pang pung pang*** 

of course i felt a bit being challenged or "tercabar" 
and in the mean time ------ buat aku terngiang2 sampai laaaa ni !!!!!!

oh gosh.

" tak yah sibuk nak jumpa dia tu dia ni dulu...sibuk mana nak pursue and what are you going to take after this okay sayang..believe me if you have succeed they the one who will find you and perhaps have to make an appointment to see you"

gulp! --- deep inside to the bottom generating the hard core of my brain to synthesis and analyze each and every sentences.

bila difikirkan lagi dan lagi---- hey! how many people would dare to say so hohohoho

***joget zapin rock**

kan?? ---- of course kena batang hidung aku but wait a minute.. the person said it because of what??

because ----- he or she LOVES you!!!! 

you know what...hanya orang yang betul2 sayangkan kita akan cakap dan ingatkan diri yang sememangnya lupa bahkan alpa walaupun inti bicaranya dushhhh! ---- memeritkan dan merobek hati bagai ditusuk sembilu


itulah cinta dan sayang yang tulus or we called it LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY 

cinta tanpa syarat.

wahai diri
gagahkan dirimu
kebalkan semangat jayamu
reset semula dan recharge energy
bangkit dan terus bangkit
selama tuhanmu ada
takkan engkau tercela.

happy weekend ^___________^

heyyy you naughty! 

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